Thursday, April 15, 2010

Ear Infection

Still haven't managed my list of short term and long term goals. I've been feeling quite under the weather and I now know why! I finally got in to see my regular doctor and found out that I have a severe ear infection. My ear has been blocked for over a week now and it hurts quite a bit. Luckily, she has started me on new antibiotics (the stuff I got from the urgent care clinic was no good). So I'll be taking those for the next 10 days along with mucinex, ear drops for the pain, and flonase for my sinus congestion. My goodness!! Hopefully these things will do the trick because if it's not better in one week I'll have to go on to an ENT (ear/nose/throat doctor) to have a small slit made in the ear drum so they can drain the eustachian tube. I know... GROSS! But, that's what I'm dealing with here. Hopefully we won't have to go that route because it sounds awfully painful! So rest, plenty of fluids, meds, and humidifier around the clock... that's what's on the agenda for me. Sounds like fun, eh?

Hopefully tomorrow I'll be able to write and post my list of goals.
Missing PJ today, as always. Mommy loves you!

~ Charity


  1. Hi Charity,

    I absolutely love the beautiful scrapbook/slideshow that you created to remember PJ! The music was perfect. What a great way to memorialize your baby.

    I'm sorry to hear about your infection; that sounds yucky. Hopefully these new meds will help you and you will knock that infection right out of your ear.

    I like your idea of writing both long term and short term goals...this is such a powerful tool. My goal right now it to get through this school year. We only have 30 more days...I can't believe it.

    I usually try to create a list of goals for myself during the summer; I feel so busy during school I don't feel like I get much accomplished for my self. I used to work during the summer but I now celebrate the "Summer of Nicole" and do things that I want/like to do.

    I wish you much luck on your list of goals! Keep taking care of yourself.


  2. Thank you, Nicole.
    "Summer of Nicole"... I love it!! haha!

  3. The ear problem is often neglected and sometimes the general physician unable to diagnose the problem and guide to a good ENT.Ear is a delicate organ and may pose many severe problems to the body.

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