Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Pregnancy loss study at Drexel University

I received an email from someone studying pregnancy loss at Drexel University.
He has asked me to post some information on the study in case any of my readers/followers would be interested in participating. Below is the email I received from him.

If you lost a pregnancy (to stillbirth or miscarriage) in the past 6 months to 4 years, we want to hear YOUR story.

Drexel University is conducting a research study to learn how women healed and moved on from the grief of their loss. You are eligible if you:

1. Are between the ages of 19 and 50
2. Live in the United States
3. Identify as either White/Caucasian or Black/African American
4. Experienced a miscarriage or stillbirth any time between December, 2007, and June, 2011.

The study is confidential and your personal information will be secure.

Please email us at drexel.pregnancy.loss@gmail.com if you are interested in volunteering for the study. Thank you- we are looking forward to hearing from you soon.

Just so you know, we also have a facebook page, the Philadelphia Pregnancy Loss Project (https://www.facebook.com/pages/Philadelphia-Pregnancy-Loss-Project/219234508110871).


If you think you might be interested please contact Efrat Eichenbaum at ee68@drexel.edu, or by phone at 404.202.5496. You may also contact his adviser for this research, Dr. Pamela Geller. She can be reached at pg27@drexel.edu
His study is a confidential online survey that asks women about their pregnancy loss experiences, and how they coped and healed from this event. His hope is that the information he collects will help doctors and nurses improve their quality of care for women who have had a pregnancy loss.

Because so many women seek internet support after pregnancy loss, he is utilizing the internet and various blogs for recruiting volunteers for this study.
I plan to check it out myself... you should do the same.


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