Friday, July 23, 2010

What's so perfect about THIS plan?

If you've never lived it you might tell someone that their miscarriage is part of God's perfect plan. Perhaps you HAVE lived it and you believe in a perfect plan. I'm facing miscarriage number 2 and I honestly don't see anything perfect about it.

I got my BFP earlier this week and went into my RE for bloodwork only to be told that my HCG was only at an 8. That's much too low for a viable pregnancy. So now I wait to miscarry again.

I worried this day might come but I kept "thinking positive" like people say to do... it won't happen to me. When does positive thinking cross over into denial? Anyway... I didn't think it would happen to me. I knew it was possible but surely I'm not someone who is going to suffer recurrent miscarriages??? Surely not.

Yet, here I am. I mourn the loss of this baby while mending old wounds from losing PJ. I will name this baby soon but I'm just not ready yet.

RE wants to do a "recurrent miscarriage blood panel" so hopefully that will reveal why I can GET pregnant but I can't seem to STAY pregnant.
I just can't seem to keep my babies alive. :( It's an awful feeling.


  1. Thinking of you hun. Wish I had the words that could help you feel better. Much love <3

  2. I stumbled across your blog today as I was researching baby loss charities to donate to. Since your blog is called "Charity's Miscarriage," it came up right away in a google search. I'm very sorry for your loss and struggle. I had a miscarriage about a year and a half ago and still mourn the loss of my baby. I have been trying to get pregnant for quite a while since my miscarriage, but I haven't had any luck so far. And, quite frankly, I am terrified of becoming pregnant again only to find out that I am someone who will suffer recurrent miscarriages. I'm sure that is a heartbreaking and terrifying place to be. I understand your struggle, at least as much as a stranger can. Anyway, I thought you may want to check out a blog that was started up recently by a friend of mine, whose baby girl was still born at 26 weeks about three months ago. It is at the following website: and is a great support community for baby loss.

    Again, I am very sorry for your loss and hope you don't mind my random comment.
