Friday, April 30, 2010


Well... today it begins again. Cycle day 1. AF is here in full force and she brought her buddy "cramps" with her. My cycle this time was 32 days. Before my pregnancy I had a 28 day cycle. Plus I O'd on cd16 and usually it's cd14. Maybe things are still getting back to normal or maybe my cycle has changed for good. I hear pregnancy can do that.

Saturday we had a slab leak in the house and my room got completely flooded!! It has been such a mess. I've stayed with my mom and step-dad this week because we had to have the water shut off. I'm back home today (still no water) but the plumbers are doing their thing so I'm happy. Re-plumbing the whole house!! They say they'll be done by this evening. Who knew they could re-plumb in one day? I thought it would take a week or so. I'm very happy and luckily no "plumber's crack" yet. LOL!! Ready to be back home and get things cleaned up here. When the flood occurred it was under the slab which meant that all the dirt from the ground was coming in too. You wouldn't believe the amount of sandy "mud" was in my room! All the furniture is moved around and I'll be glad when we can clean up and get it back to normal.

Depression is still here but not so bad this morning. I'm feeling okay and I'm thinking today is going to be a good day.

Okay... bye for now.

PJ's Momma

1 comment:

  1. Hi Charity,

    It has been a hard week! I can't believe we are down to 16 days of school--I am so excited. I am sorry to hear about your flooding, that sounds awful.

    I hope AF has eased up on you a bit. I know how bad it is to have awful cramps. Have you asked your doctor about Ponstel? It really is a life saver!

    I will definitely send you some information about me via your personal email...I'll try to get that to you this weekend. My cute little nephew is coming to town with my bro and SIL--but of course I am so excited to see the little cutie.

    I'll be thinking about you a lot this weekend. I hope you are okay and doing well. I continue to pray for your healing and peace and as always lots of hugs your way!

